Bylaws and Declaration after Rules

Rules and Regulations

January 25, 2010

South Mill Village Association, Inc, is a residential non- age restricted condominium association for single-family units. In keeping with that philosophy, it is important that there be certain rules and guidelines that govern expected behavior within the community. Condominium living often places neighbors closer together than they may have been accustomed to in their former residences and naturally places limitations on maintenance, parking, pet ownership, exterior decorations, landscaping freedom and other similar activities. As such, we have developed a guide of most of the rules you will need to ensure that you understand what is required for you to abide by them.  It is the Unit Owner's responsibility to ensure that all family members, tenants, domestic help, employees, agents, visitors and licensees of the Unit Owner understand and adhere to these Rules.


  1. Should the Unit Owner not be the primary resident of the Unit, it is the Unit Owner's responsibility, prior to occupancy by any non-owner, to provide the Executive Board and its property manager, a copy of the Non-Owner Information Form, signed by the non-owners planning to occupy the Unit (available on the association website, stating that the tenant has read the Rules, understood, and agreed to them. The Unit Owner will, however, continue to be responsible to ensure that all users of their Unit adhere to these Rules.  No Unit can be leased for a period shorter than twelve (12) continuous months.  No Unit shall be subleased.  Lease dates and lessees names, phone numbers, and vehicle information shall be provided to the Executive Board   and its property manager.
  2. No part of the Property shall be used for other than the purposes for which the Property was designed. All uses shall be consistent with the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Glastonbury with respect to residential uses.
  3. The Unit Owner and or tenant must not permit anything to be hung or displayed on the outside of the Units or placed on the outside walls, windows, or doors of a building, and no sign awning, canopy, shutter, or radio or television or satellite antenna shall be affixed to, or place upon, the exterior walls or doors, roof or any part thereof, or exposed on, or at, any window without the prior written consent of the Executive Board. The only exterior decorations allowed shall be one wreath on or immediately adjacent to the front door, one hanging pot of live plants within the front entryway, one or two pots of live plants on the front door step and within five feet of the door, and one small decorative name or welcome sign adjacent to the front door.
  4. No illegal or offensive activity may be carried on inside or outside of any Unit, or in the Common Elements, nor shall anything be done therein either willfully or negligently, which is or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the other Unit Owners or occupants. No Unit Owner or tenant may make or permit any disturbing noises inside or outside the building nor do or so permit anything that will interfere with the rights, comfort or convenience of the other Unit Owners.
  5. The Common Elements must be kept free and clear of personal property, including patio furniture, children's playthings, rubbish, debris and any unsightly materials and may not be obstructed or used for storage purposes unless designated by the Declaration, The Bylaws or by vote of the Executive Board  .
  6. Each Unit Owner shall keep the Limited Common Elements around his Unit in a good state of preservation and cleanliness. Outdoor storage of firewood, neatly stacked on the porch, patio, or deck, is permitted only from September 15th through April 15th. Garden hoses must be neatly coiled or wound onto a hose reel or hose cart when not in use and placed as inconspicuously as possible within the landscaped area immediately adjacent to the unit foundation.
  7. No signs or other displays or advertising shall be maintained or permitted on any part of the Property without the prior written consent of the Executive Board. Directional or identification signs for any Unit shall be placed only where directed by the Executive Board  and shall be uniform in style and size to that of all Units. Temporary movable signs by licensed realty firms or sale by owner advertising a time specific “open house” are permitted. Signs may be used only on the day of the open house beginning 1 hour prior to the open house and ending immediately after the open house is over.
  8. Any damage to anything within a Unit shall be the sole responsibility of the Unit Owner. Any damage to any part of the Unit which affects another Unit or other Units or the Common Elements caused by nuisance or negligence of a Unit Owner or which happens within his Unit shall be paid for by such Unit Owner.
  9. Nothing will be done or kept in any Unit, or in the Common Elements, which will increase the rate of insurance of the buildings, or the contents thereof, without the prior written consent of the Executive Board. No Unit Owner or tenant will permit anything to be done, or kept in the unit, or in the Common Elements which will result in the cancellation of insurance on the building, or contents thereof, or which would be in violation of any law. There can be no use of charcoal or wood grills on or under wooden decks or anywhere in the limited or common elements. Propane grills are permissible. Propane tanks may not be stored inside any unit, including garages or basements. Propane tanks must be stored safely outside the unit.
  10. The parking areas, roadways and other paved areas shall not be used for any purpose other than to park operable and regularly used private passenger vehicles including sport utility vehicles and mini vans, but, specifically excluding commercial or dual registered vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, campers, boats, recreational vehicles and any vehicle too large to normally be kept inside the Unit Owner's garage. Unit Owners, family members, or tenants with light trucks registered as private passenger vehicles are permitted if they are parked inside a garage. No vehicles are permitted which have commercial signage, commercial logos or any manner of advertising on them. No vehicles may be parked in such a manner as to prevent or impede ready access to another Unit Owner's garage or parking space or in such manner as to prevent the free flow of traffic or to create a hazardous condition.
  11. Motor vehicles belonging to unit owners, tenants or their families are to be parked inside the unit owner’s garage. Should the unit owner or tenant or family have more vehicles (as permitted in Rule 10) than will be accommodated in the garage, such motor vehicles should be parked in additional space designated for that unit. Phase One Unit designated parking spaces ore marked by “Resident Parking” signs. Phase Two resident parking spaces are directly in front of and adjacent to the Unit garage door. In the event that more vehicles belong to a unit owner or tenant than the unit garage plus one (1) outside designated space provide, special arrangements must be made for additional parking spaces.
  12. Unit Owners or tenants are expected to utilize their entire garage space for vehicle parking prior to parking vehicles outside.
  13. Garage doors should generally be kept closed at all times except while entering and exiting. Some exceptions include doors being occasionally open while unit owners or tenants are engaged in activities outside the unit and for which ease of access to the garage is necessary.
  14. No vehicle may be parked outside with a vehicle cover installed.
  15. Except where specifically rented, visitor parking spaces are intended only for temporary use by guests and invitees of Unit Owners or tenants of the Association.
  16. The Association has no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the loss or damage to any motor vehicle while parked on the premises.
  17. The occasional or incidental “not for profit” repairing of cars or other vehicles is allowed only in such cases as it does not constitute a disturbance or hazard to other Unit Owners or occupants. The storing or parking of any inoperative or unregistered automobiles or vehicles of whatever nature other than in a garage is strictly prohibited.
  18. No animals, birds or reptiles of any kind may be raised, bred or kept for commercial purposes in any Unit or in Common Elements except that not more than two (2) cats, or one (1) dog and one (1) cat, or one (1) other household pet may be kept inside any Unit, provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes, and provided further that any such pets causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise shall be permanently removed from the Property subject to those restrictions upon three (3) days' written notice from the Executive Board. 
  19. In no event shall any pet, including cats, be permitted beyond the Limited Common Area of the pet owner's Unit unless carried, or on a leash, nor be tethered in any of the Common Elements. Unit owners, tenants or their guests are responsible to promptly and properly “clean-up” after their pets. The accumulation of pet waste is unhealthy and injurious to Association grounds and landscape, Pets may not be allowed to roam free of a leash in any common or limited common elements of the Association property, including the “gazebo” area. Unit Owners or occupants shall be responsible for any damage or injury caused by a pet kept by them or their guests.
  20. No owner or occupant may play upon, or cause to be played upon, any musical instrument or operate or cause to be operated any radio, television or other audio device inside or outside the premises at such volumes or times so as to cause a disturbance.
  21. No garbage cans, trash barrels, recycling barrels or other obstructing personal property may be placed in the Common Elements. No accumulation of rubbish, debris, or unsightly material is permitted in the Common Elements. Unit Owner or tenant trash barrels and recycling barrels must be stored within the unit garages at all times, except the evening before scheduled trash collection days, and be returned to the units following the scheduled trash pick-up. In no situations can the trash barrels or recycling barrels be stored outside the units.
  22. Temporary storage of materials in the Common Elements may be done only following a written request to the Executive Board and their approval for such storage. Storage of any materials following approval by the Executive Board   will be at the risk of the person storing the materials. The Executive Board   or the Association will not bear any liability for loss, damage or injury.
  23. Shrubbery, bushes, mulch and other plant life located within any Common Area or Limit Common Area shall not be disturbed, increased, or replaced, except as described herein, without the written approval of the Executive Board. Annual flowering plants and bulb type flower plants may be placed within the confines of the already existing mulched area within the Unit Owner's Limited Common Area provided the plants are kept neat and weed free, do not impede the weekly mowing and trimming operations and when finished blooming, are promptly removed, or, in the case of bulb type plants, promptly cut back. Mulch may be added over existing mulch within the homeowners Limited Common Area only if it matches the existing mulch. Homeowner installed plants installed prior to 1995 that are of a type that does not conform to these guidelines may remain as long as they are properly maintained and do not become overgrown. A copy of the Association’s current landscape policy can be found on the Association website.
  24. There shall be no statues or ornaments displayed within Limited Common Elements without the written approval of the Executive Board. Bird feeders are permitted if placed within the Unit's Limited Common Elements at the side and/or rear of the Unit.
  25. All window coverings whether blinds, curtains, draperies, or other must be white or off-white or have a white or off-white lining as viewed from the exterior of the premises. Blankets, bed sheets, or other commonly used "temporary" window coverings are not permitted.
  26. Lawn furniture, propane gas barbecues, and children's playthings may not be stored or used on the side or front of the Units. They are only to be used in the Limited Common Area immediately behind the Owner's Unit. If the patio or deck for the unit is on the side of the unit rather than the back, then the lawn furniture, propane gas barbeques and children’s play things may be used on the side of the unit. 
  27. No vehicle shall exceed the speed of 15 mph while traveling in any parking area, roadway, or other paved area. The town speed limit on South Mill Drive is 25 mph.
  28. Any complaint regarding the operation or management of the Condominium Association or regarding actions of other Unit Owners shall be made in writing to the Executive Board.
  29. Any consent or approval given under these Rules may be added to, amended, or revoked at any time by resolution of the Executive Board.
  30. he Executive Board shall have the right to enforce the above rules by a $25.00 fine for each violation and for each day the violation continues. (Refer to Section 6.15.c of the Bylaws). In addition to a monetary fine, the Association shall have the right to direct a unit owner to take remedial action and, in the event of the owner’s failure to take such action, the Association may take such action and assess the unit owner for its expenses.
  31. Failure to adhere to the provisions of the Declaration, Bylaws and any established and published Association implementing guidelines, including, but not limited to, unit modification and landscaping shall be considered a violation of these rules.
  32. Requests by unit owners to make structural changes to units, decks, patios and plantings within the limited common area must be in writing and be accompanied by professionally prepared plans and elevations, as appropriate, with the understanding that the Executive Board may attach conditions to such approvals including but not limited to the requirements that that the work be performed by licensed professionals and that liability insurance in an appropriate amount be obtained.  Further, the unit owner will be required to agree to be financially responsible for completion of the work or restoration of the property to its original condition; and that the unit owner will be responsible for the maintenance of any such changes and that this obligation will run with the deed.Southmill Village

Unit Modification Guidelines

Hold Harmless Agreement

Southmill Village

Rules Complaint Form

Southmill Village

South Mill Village Bylaws

South Mill Village Declaration

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